Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What Does Your Key Chain Say About You?

Who would have thought your key chain could tell a story....

Participating in DS106 in GMT-10 is a bit daunting.  Even though I am an early riser, by the time I look at the Daily Creates, there are already several posted.  Not wanting to influence my ideas, I wait until I have finished uploading my image/video, and then enjoy watching the others.  Not this time.

I must say that I never thought about the story my key chain tells, but a story it does tell.

My analytic brain immediately thought video and so I decided to use Vimeo to assemble it, as it has the ability to add both sound (narration and sfx) as well as still images.  I shot each element of the key chain and then recorded narration for each segment.  Editing in Vimeo is easy, unless you add a still picture (or maybe there is a length limitation).  Not sure which, but I finally gave up on my last "closing" slide, and posted the video, as I had already exceeded the recommended 20 minutes.   Of course, I  forgot to put tdc603 in the title so it won't appear in the feed.  Did I mention that the images were poor?

Later in the day, I had the opportunity to view other videos -- and realized that I took a very simple task and made it exceedingly complex.  Damn.  I could have just used my phone (better camera) and told the story. Duh! So, what did I do?  I did the whole thing over in 5 minutes (not including upload time).  The result is below.  

On the plus side, I now feel like a pro with the Vimeo video editor.  Still unable to load directly from my phone to YouTube, but that is another story.....

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