Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint

What is a Daily Create Anyway?
We encourage you to challenge yourself to create something new each day instead of using older photos or videos. But there are not rules- if you re-use media, think how you can make it new by re-editing them.
The assignments are designed to be quick to do and should not need any or much post-editing. Consider trying several different approaches to each assignments. Often your first instinct might not always be your best work. Experimentation is key, and as always, the one hard and fast rule is MAKE ART DAMMIT!
For these experiments in daily creates, I have been using my iPad in order to become more familiar with the creative apps that are available.  My first attempt was "Impression".  I used FrameArtist (as I did with the Headless image above).

#596: Make an impression: take a picture of an indentation

It seemed natural to me to take an image of my footprint on the beach. Recently, I have been working on a Professional Development Module on the importance of crafting your own digital footprint.  It is a work in progress.

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